Practice Team


Dr Alasdair Wright (m)
(Senior Partner) - MBChB BSc DSM DCH DRCOG DFFP MRCGP Manchester 1994

Dr Angelo Pillitteri (m)
MBChB Liverpool 1990

Dr Lucianne Carter (f)
MB Ch B (Hons) Manchester 2001, DRCOG 2004 and MRCGP Dec 2006

Dr Alasdair Patrick (m)
MBChB Glasgow 2002 MRCGP

Physicians Associate

Miss Hannah Moore (f)

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Physicians Associate’s can see all of the patients that a GP would see and are vital member of our clinical team working alongside the doctors

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Mrs Preethi Sashi (f)

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Our Advanced Nurse Practitioner works with the GP’s to deal with acute medical issues. ANP's are independant prescribers and are qualified to treat a wide range of conditions.


Sister Tracey Anderson (f)

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Tracey ,Lorna & Ashley manage our diabetic, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma services. They also run various clinics promoting prevention of ill health, cervical smears, childhood immunisations and lipid clinics.

Sister Lorna Coles (f)

Ashley Stonley (f)

Healthcare Assistant

Craig Cringle (m)

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Our healthcare assistant Craig is available Monday – Friday by appointment to see patients for blood tests,blood pressure checks & health checks.

Practice Management

Mr Ian Maloney (m)
Practice Manager

Mrs Helen Nolan (f)
Assistant Practice Manager

GP net earnings

All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (e.g. average pay) for GP’s working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GP’s working in Greasby Group Practice in the financial year 2022/23 was £78,470.00 before tax and National Insurance.