Social Prescribers

What is social prescribing?

It is a way of linking a patient to appropriate non-clinical support in their community. It is recognised that many of life’s problems can make us feel unwell. Improving lifestyle or taking control of a practical problem can be very challenging and people often feel daunted at the prospect of change and don’t always know where to start.

Social prescribing can help empower, and give people the confidence and support necessary to make and sustain a change.

Examples of support available include:

  • Finding out what is available in the local community to help combat isolation and loneliness
  • Attending a group together
  • Finding a support group for a specific condition/health need
  • Referral into a specialist service for example for money advice (benefits, debt, and budgeting), drugs or alcohol, smoking, housing needs
  • Encouragement to address lifestyle issues including healthy eating and physical activity
  • Joining a new course in the community where education and learning would be of benefit
  • Referral into a specialist service for counselling and other mental health support
  • Resolving practical issues around accessing food, fuel, prescriptions
  • Being a non-judgemental listening ear

If you are interested or want to find out more about our social prescribers please contact the surgery on 0151 678 3000 to enquire.