Register with our practice
If you wish to register at the practice and are within the practice boundary, please click on the link below and complete the questionnaire.
Patients not seen within 3 years may request a health check with a Practice Nurse.
Patients aged 75 years and older may request a health check every year with the Practice Nurse if they are not already under regular review. A home visit may be required at the doctor’s discretion. Patients of 75 and over will have a named GP who will have overall responsibility for their care. Please ask if you are unsure who your named GP is.
Catchment Area (Practice Boundary)
You can search for your postcode by clicking the magnifier in the top right corner of the map, this will indicate whether you live within the boundary or not.Named GP
All patients at Greasby Group Practice have a named GP which will be one of the three partners. You can ring and ask who your named GP is and a Receptionist will be happy to advise you of this.If you would prefer a different GP to the one you have been allocated, please contact the practice. We will endeavour to accommodate your request, where we can. By having a named GP does not prevent you from seeing any other GP at the practice.
Accessing someone else's information
You may find it helpful if someone else, usually a family member, close friend or carer, has online access to your GP record so that they can book appointments for you, order repeat prescriptions, or even to access your detailed care record on your behalf to help with your care. This is called proxy access.
The practice can consider proxy access to the GP record we hold here for any patient who is, in the opinion of their usual GP, freely able to give their fully-informed consent for their nominated proxy. If you are the patient and you wish to do this, you should complete the form (Please insert the form here)and return it to your usual GP to formally request this. Your GP may wish to discuss the matter with you before consenting.
I have attached some leaflets for patients to read regarding giving proxy access and easy read information, which need to be added to the page.
Proxy consent to on-line services form 2018